Marching with Marshall

Marching with Marshall
Sam Houston National Forest Ranger Station

Friday, May 14, 2010

What is required.....

He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

What is required of us, is to share this march with others and get the word out. What is required of you as a marcher, is to train and be prepared to walk the distance, and make the march. What is graciously accepted is your time, and your energy, and your commitment.

Besides the heavy pack walk yesterday for me, I spent about 45 minutes riding my bike to increase the strength in my upper legs. The idea is to be able to make the walk, the distance without suffering to greatly.

You do not take a test without studying, you do not increase your bench press by hoping and thinking on it. No, you prepare for a test, you prepare for a major lift, by taking the time to build up to it. If you are young and strong, you will make it, but it is the mental game you have to play with yourself, it is the mind which must be overcome. In times of stress, or times of extreme physical activity one must be prepared for the trial. Therefore, the marcher must be prepared for the hike.

I had the pleasure of joining, as one Gunnery Sergeant explained it, the University of Science, Music and Culture- USMC. Because of the influence of John Wayne, and "The Sands of Iwo Jima", I joined up to be a ground pounder, an 0311, a "Grunt". While in Minnesota, we endured the out door climate of -30 degrees, with a -60 degree chill factor, and then had to wait on a helicopter to pick us up. I thought I had never been colder. Then I was. I think I was colder in Korea, but then I think I may have been colder in Norway, or was in Mt. Fuji, Japan in the rain, but one thing remand constant, the Marine Corps, always kept us moving, always kept us training, and never let us forget our mission.

We, the marcher, have a mission. That is to start and finish the march with all hands in good shape. That requires a certain amount of discipline and training. With that in mind, my fine marchers, take the time to train, take the time to harden yourself to the march. We are required to walk humbly, but with strength on our journey through life, but we must always walk with strength and purpose. Remember, we are, Marching with Marshall.

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