Marching with Marshall

Marching with Marshall
Sam Houston National Forest Ranger Station

Friday, May 28, 2010

Get the Lead Out - Train

I would like to let you good folks know, I need all forms returned to me by Sunday, June 6th. If the Orientation Meeting is Saturday, June 5th, this would be a great time to turn your packet in. Remember, there is no cost to you, but your commitment to training and finishing the March. The The location and time of the Orientation Meeting will be announced shortly, so keep coming back to this site for updates.

I have a new method of gauging your training program. If you can hide your wallet in your belly button, you need to get the lead out, this weekend, and train in the morning or evening, but go a long distance to see if you can.

If you can hide your pocket change in your belly button, then go a long distance but do it when you get off work, so you climatize to the heat.

If you can hide your beer can in your belly button, do not plan on going on this march, instead, get off the couch, put down the beer, go see a doctor for clearance, and start a moderate exercise program.

For the young men I have coached, I ask a favor. Get the word out to others, and challenge them to go on this march. Nothing make a person feel better about themselves, not even drugs, can make you feel as good about yourself as when you accomplish something you did not think you could.

For the young men, this will be a gauge which they will use to mark their journey into manhood. They will turn to this whenever there is something hard to do, and think to themselves, "I have done something hard like this before, I can do that hard task which is set before me now."

Seemingly hard task can be made harder by others that question your ability to go the distance. I question no ones ability to March with us, I question their commitment to training. If you are planning to go with us, Marching with Marshall , then get out there and train. In other words for you folks that need motivation, "Get the lead out!" "Move your Butt!" "Get Hiking!" It doesn't take guts to walk, just to finish.

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