Marching with Marshall

Marching with Marshall
Sam Houston National Forest Ranger Station

Marching with Marshall Protocol and Procedures

Marching with Marshall
Protocol and Procedures
On the Trail

1. All Participants will select from the other Participants a “ Ranger Buddy”. These two will be accountable for the where about of the other one. They will have to tell the other one where they are going at all times. Before the marchers move out from a Rest Point, break, or other camp area, “Ranger Buddys” will be asked to sound off if the other is not present, and be able to tell the Marshall of the March, or the Clerk of the March where the other one is.

2. All the young men on the March, will be placed in group of four, with an adult placed in charge of the four Marchers. Before a step-off, or a continuation of the March, the adult will take a head count, and report to the Clerk of the March, before the March resumes.

3. All incoming or outgoing marchers must report to the Marshall of the March, or Clerk of the March, to be assigned a unit and an adult supervisor to report to during the march.

4. In case of a lost Marcher, everyone will stand fast in place until the lost Marcher is found or can be accounted for.

5. Should a Marcher find himself lost, he will take out his whistle- required- and begin to blow it every five minutes until a search party has made visual contact with the lost Marcher. He will stand fast in one area and not try and find his own way. If communication is not established within fifteen minutes, with a lost Marcher, radio communications will be started with the Search and Rescue elements of the March.

6. Breaks will be given about every hour, water will be ingested by all Marchers at this time. Bathroom breaks will be taken at this time, as needed. Marchers should move off the trail to perform this necessity. Should a Marcher need more time for the bathroom break, he will inform his “Ranger Buddy”, take a shovel and dig a “cat hole”- a hole about six to eight inches- make the deposit and cover the waste and the hole back up, as both a courtesy to nature and other Marchers.

7. All trash will be placed in trash bags at Rest Points, and, while on the March, placed back in the Marcher’s back pack, and packed until the next Rest Point. Rest Areas will be “policed” prior to leaving the area.

8. No fires are warranted until permission is received form the Marshall of the March. When a fire is authorized, a pit will be dug to the Marshall’s satisfaction and will be watched until it is fully out. When it is time to put the firs out, the fire must be spread out, water placed upon it, and covered with earth. The Marshall of the March will give the all-clear when he is satisfied with the end product.

9. Once the camp has settled down at night in the Rest Point, Marchers are to rest or sleep, and not interfere with other Marchers. Marchers who play practical jokes are not welcome, and will be asked to leave as soon as it is possible.

10. In case of an emergency, all activity will cease, while a decision is to be made. Should there be a medical emergency, Marchers will assist the injured party, with an adult supervisor, and will move to a point on the trail where a road can be accessed, and a ride can be arranged. This decision will either be decided by the Marshall of the March, or an EMT , should one be a participant on the March.

11. Other hikers that might be encountered on the trail will receive the right to pass our group if they are moving at a faster rate. The words, “Passing on the Left”, will cause our group to move to the right, and yield to the other group, allowing them to pass through, before we resume the March.

12. Marchers will sound off all orders up and down the column, and follow the orders as directed.