Marching with Marshall

Marching with Marshall
Sam Houston National Forest Ranger Station

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Good Help, Not so Hard to find in Walker County

David Anderson of the WCSO, Citizen on Patrol, has contacted us and will support our march by hosting a dinner Sunday evening at Huntsville St. Park, and a pray service to follow for fellowship. I had hoped we might have some fellowship each evening, and this would be a great way to end the second day of the March- maybe allowing some to ask for some divine help to finish the March; just kidding Mom's.

Laurie Boudreaux of Cargill meats has offered us luncheon meat to make sandwiches, and maybe even assemble them for distribution to the Marchers. This would probable be the first night, or the third, depending on her availability.

Jason Dyches of the Lion's Club in Huntsville, has thrown another bone our way. The Club has voted to give us $250 for expenses, with possible matching funds from a district office. This is great news and will allow us to get gasoline for our support staff, and more maps.

What we are in short supply of is, men or women who are EMT certified, or medics/corpsmen to go with us the March, and support our charges, as they go head long into the not so wild wilderness of the National Forest. If you, the reader, knows any hard charging men or women who would willingly donate a day, or more to helping us make it through the woods without injury, than please send them my way. Firemen on site would be a great comfort to us, even if they cannot make the March- meals and all the water you want to drink included.

The type of injures we can expect on the March are blisters, rashes, raw areas, insect bites, and turned ankles or knees. The old saying on the bumper sticker of the car, when I left the USMC was, "The Marine already have a few good men- Navy Corpsmen". I need some of you Gents to "lock and load", and help us out, if you can. Should a few of the Armies finest- the Medics- want to go, I can now make a comparison with wise eyes, and not camouflaged by the uniform I wore some years ago.

Marchers and Friends of the March, pass this information on to interested parties and tell them to contact Mac McStravick at or my cell 281-857-4038. Remeber, good help is not so hard to find in Walker County, this includes Joe Connell, Jim Hurley , David Anderson, and Jason Dyches of the Huntsville Lion's Club.

Head 'em up, we're moving out.

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