Marching with Marshall

Marching with Marshall
Sam Houston National Forest Ranger Station

Monday, May 17, 2010

These Boots Were Made For Walking

I saved up my dimes and just bought a pair of Merrell light weight hikers, for my tired old feet. They are Gore-Tex, and therefore water proof, but the balls of my feet have been burning, as I training on more hard top streets, then fields. There are many brands of hiking boots, but for our purposes we might want to use light weight hikers, as the terrain is not too tough, and the going will put quite a few miles on the "ole dogs".

Other quality hikers include: Danner, Vasque, Timberland, Montrail , Asolo, and many others. Cheaper brands include: New Balance, Converse, Hi Tech, Rocky and others. The sporting goods store near you will sell a variety of boots, just take them off the shelf for a spin on the carpet before you buy. You will need room for your feet to swell, so if you feel a hot spot, pressure point when you are just trying them on, it is a good bet you will have trouble later on. Remember ,the distance we have to go will be further then you may have gone before. Some stores sell all-terrian shoes, which are not too bad on the feet on an easy path, but if you plan to hike again, spend the money and buy a good pair.

Military boots are a good choice, but they are made for general purposes, and may not feel as comfortable as your sneakers; they are not suppose to be, you have to break them in. Breaking in a pair of boots takes time and distance of wear. Do not buy a pair of boots right before the hike, and wear them out of the box on the first day. You are asking for trouble, and trouble comes at a price of raised pain. Buy your boots early, and wear them on walks around the neighborhood, if you have not started training yet.

If you have not started training yet, get on with it! You do not have to be a Road Warrior, and join Mad Max Beyond the Thunder Doom, you just have to get out side, toss on the old pack, and fell the bite of the back pack's straps to get the body in hiking shape.

As the Duke said, " Saddle up, we're moving out".

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