Marching with Marshall

Marching with Marshall
Sam Houston National Forest Ranger Station

Thursday, May 27, 2010

June 5th Oreintation Meeting

Stay tuned for the time, and location announcement concerning an Orientation Meeting. This will be a great time for you to meet other Marchers, stretch your hiking leg, talk about the course, and gain an understanding about what to pack and how to pack it.

Your long walk is coming up this weekend. Make it about three hours if possible, keep the pack to about twenty pounds, and take along some tunes, or if you are like me, find "Click and Clack the Tap'it Brothers", or "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me", and get moving. If you do not have time, break the wlak in half and do one in the morning and one in the evening.

Borrowing a line from the most adventurous man on TV, "Stay thirsty my friends", keep drinking water, beside helping your body recover, it is good for the complexion- if you are into that.

Do not train in vain- train to finish the race, then you can train to win.

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