Marching with Marshall

Marching with Marshall
Sam Houston National Forest Ranger Station

Friday, June 4, 2010

Orientation Meeting tomorrow at 5:00pm, Briscoe Jr. High School

Just off a heavy pack walk of two hours, legs a bit swollen, but not "muffin tops" yet; you know, where the calf swells over the sock rim, looking for the world like a little yeast went a long way- pretty huh?

Had a great time on the levy, as I moved along a bout a mile and a half into the stroll. This is where I encountered the cows, a gentle herd of them, not caring they may have been trespassing prisoner property, and in no hurry to move off. As I came into view, all activity stop, heads came up off the grassy deck with a sudden quickness, and all big brown eyes turned towards me. I was right where a middle child screams in his head, he wants to be: I was the center of attention. I was happily shy, almost embarrassed by this rapturous bovine attention; not wanting to take them away from their mowing duties, but enjoying this moment in the sun- literally in the sun, as I continued on my path towards the two hour mark.

How is your training going? How are getting prepared? What is your goal: to finish or not to finish, that is the question?

I had a person ask about my sexist remark, that this hike is for young men only, and not for young women. I would use this forum for that question, if only for a few moments of your time, marchers.

I believe in equal pay for equal work. I believe, that women are quite capable of making twenty miles per day, the same as all men on this March. But, I am sexist enough to believe that young men should open the door for young women though, and stand up when they are introduced, or just meeting. Also, they should watch their language, and stories around members of the opposite sex in the general public. That is my sexiest nature.

What I would like to say to any person questioning my motivates is, there are times when young men need to be mentored by older men; there are times when the attractive influence of a young females, makes it hard for a young males to concentrate. With the giddiness that comes from a young hopeful male, looking lustfully at a female marcher, in the youthful anticipation of a nocturnal rendezvous, we, the Organizers, can do without.

For the military services, they have many fine people of both sexes, who show that young men and young women can get along when they have a common purpose and goal. Our goal right now is to March with Marshall, and for the older men of this March to have an opportunity to spend time with the younger men, who do not have to prove they are the better candidate for a female's attention, then another member of the March. Their eyes are on the prize, and that is to finish the March, showing support for Addison by taking a few steps in his shoes, a few steps that can cause blisters, rashes, thirst, but give them the confidence to finish what they start; like Addison.

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