Marching with Marshall

Marching with Marshall
Sam Houston National Forest Ranger Station

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Man's Love

" For God did not give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2Tim. 1:7

How do we as Men define love? What is love and how do we seek it out?

There is romantic love, that of the spirit; then there is physical love, that of the lustful nature.

But there is also a physical love between men that is not one of intimacy or delicacy. It is almost a bond of brotherhood, shared between men. Maybe you have seen it at a sporting event, when your team has won a great victory, and hugs are not an uncommon sight among the victors; or perhaps is was in the sorrow of a loss, that a hug was made manifest between men, young or old, it does not matter.

We, as men, are not defined by the triumph or defeat that has been suffered; no, we are defined by the work, the commitment, and energy we have placed before the contest. We measure each other by that commitment, we share equally in the loss, or victory, and express our respect for one another in that moment of emotion. This is our love for one another.

When we see our son's triumph, we feel the release of moisture behind our eye, not out of some since of intimacy from the close connection of gestation periods, or the natural method of feeding our young, but out of a sense of completion, a sense of respect for our son, who will now share equally in our world. He has been measured by others in his tribe, his group, his team and found worthy of respect, of love due to his commitment and willingness to sacrifice for the goal, for the good of others.

"We few, we happy few, we Band of Brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother". St Crispen's day Speech

Let us share, for just a few days, the hardship of our brother, Addison. Let us unite in this goal, and let our feet support him and hold him up, during this time. Let the power of our faith, the love of Addison, and the strength of our discipline take us to the finish line that stands before us.

To do this, one must have a commitment to train and a commitment to finish; this is how you will earn respect, this is how you can show love.

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